January 2015 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2015

Attendance: Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Kim Carlson, Garrett Estenson, Randy Ulseth, Ella Stenstrom, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Leann McMullen, Robert Woods, Kris Bombard. Karen Renaud, Jo DeFeyter, Diane Bankers, Kim Tepley, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Sheila Peterson, Erlene Randall, Jill Sawyer, Jeff Smith, Shelly Kroschel, Juanita Lietz, Heather Sanftner, Tammy Smith, Jen Peterson, Deb Wright

Absent: Mark Vizenor, Gail Lobdell

Congratulations were noted for the HCAHPS and Employee Engagement scores!

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Randy introduced the new COO – Sandy Zutz-Wiczek.
  • Thank you notes/letters from a few patients/families were read by Randy. Great comments regarding staff and FirstLight.
  • Hospital Board update included election of officers, CEO and Organizational Goals were reviewed, discussion on Trustee Conference and a presentation from DSGW on Mora campus improvements.

FINANCE – Ella Stenstrom

  • Ella reviewed the December financials, noting it was another busy month. Clinic visits were up along with ED visits. Kudos to everyone for doing a great job with cost control.
  • Auditors will be here the week of February 16th.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented an update on the Joint Commission Survey and the Resurvey that occurred on Monday, January 26th. There were 13 items from the original survey that were addressed at the resurvey and they were all completed with no deficiencies. Great Job!
  • Discussed the 45 and 60 day action plans that are still being completed.
  • Update on Medical equipment policy Mark Vizenor is working on.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Staffing requisition process is moving to M-Files and will be done electronically. Kim reviewed the process in M-files and will let managers know when it is ready for use.
  • Discussion was held on the Leader Evaluation Manager and the 2015 Organizational Goals for the organization. Kim will be sending out log in information for managers and supervisors. Next Leader Development Institute will be held on March 25 and the focus will be on the LEM, how to use it, what we will do with it, how the process works. Look for more information in the next few weeks.
  • Employee evaluation and 360 discussions. Kim is working with Halogen on a couple of adjustments.


  • Becky reported that there are still some intermittent phone issues. She has starting looking at other phone carriers.
  • Lots of projects scheduled for IT this summer. If you have projects that are coming up for your department that involve IT, contact them soon.
  • Wellness First update – almost 1000 screenings so far.
  • A Community Service calendar listing monthly events FirstLight is involved with will be shared with staff.
  • Imaging has a new Argosy student.
  • Julie Ray presented an update on Care goals and new employees in the Clinic.
  • Rehab services update from Garrett.
  • External auditors, Eidi Bailly will be here February 16th.
  • ICD10 update from Sheila Peterson
  • Dietary services are going to be rolling out Full room service for inpatients.
  • Quality Services will have a new employee starting the end of February.
  • Looking for CPR instructors
  • Jen Peterson gave an update on Palliative Care and the 5 year plan with Stratis.
  • Hands free dispensers have been installed.
  • Garrett gave an update what types of events the Starlight Committee is available for employees. If you have any questions, please contact Garrett.
  • Upcoming Mardi Gras Celebration – watch for upcoming information