April 2015 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2015 

Attendance: Becky Gallik, Jo DeFeyter, Leann McMullen, Kim Tepley, Garrett Estenson, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Mark Vizenor, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Karen Renaud, Stacy Heins, Julie Ray, Ellen Ryan, Randy Ulseth, Brent Thompson, Dave Schlicher

Absent: Bob Woods, Ella Stenstrom, Diane Bankers


  • Randy provided an update on Evidence Based Leadership, state legislature happenings and the Pine City Building project.
  • A Mora Campus Building Committee has been established. Weekly basecamp meetings have been scheduled and will include various departments and staff.
  • Auditors will present to the Board in May.
  • Randy reviewed the financials for March, noting it was a strong financial month.

COO Update – Sandy Zutz-Wiczek

  • Discussion on Chronic Care Management. A kickoff date is scheduled for May 14th. The goal is to increase communication with the patients and ultimately reduce the cycle of hospital and ED visits.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Kim presented an update on employee evaluations – great progress.
  • LEM update – she will be scheduling one more LEM training session, and the goal for May is to have 90 day plans set up and monthly meetings scheduled.
  • Reminder that if you have an employee out for more than 3 days, contact HR to get the correct paperwork filled out.
  • Workplace survey results – Kim presented a powerpoint on some of the results. Waiting to receive final results.
  • Update on summer interns. Waiting on approval from the MHA. Interns will start after Memorial Day and continue until Labor Day.
  • Auxiliary Luncheon – Wednesday, April 29th – at Bowe’s.
  • FirstLight Health System scholarship applications are being reviewed. There were 12 applicants total for the schools of Ogilvie, Mora, Pine City and Hinckley.


  • Randy got approval to move forward from the County to purchase another house near the hospital.
  • Change Management Form will be available on M-files as an automated process.
  • Hinckley will soon have 2 full time Physical therapists.
  • Working with the area schools on Athletic training contracts.
  • Julie discussed the Care Goal Challenge that is taking place in the Clinic.
  • Pharmacy updates.
  • M-files updates or requests can be submitted to Brittany W, instead of using the help desk at Marco.
  • Reminder to turn in badge audits.
  • Ambulance update from Dave.
  • Mock Crash was held at Trailview on Thursday – texting and driving scenario.
  • Website launch is moving forward.
  • March of Dimes recognized FirstLight for reducing early elective deliveries – we will be receiving a banner to display.
  • Update on marketing campaigns.
  • Imaging equipment updates from Leann.
  • Sports physical clinics will be held in May.
  • Hospital week – May 11 – 15 – community picnic, Wednesday, May 13th.