Office Moves

Office Moves

With Dr. Kampa and Dr. Gaalswyk starting in September and in need for office space; there have and continue to be some desk moving within the Mora clinic. 

These changes will allow pharmacy to have a designated space to meet with patients.  Please see the changes below:

  •  Last week Kris, Mindy and Michelle V moved into the previous triage space (Room 147). 
  • Dawn Brown moved to Kris’ old desk and Juanita is moving to Mindy’s old desk (Room 155).
  • Niskanen will move to the back hallway (Juanita & Deb A’s previous space) on Friday (9/9) (Room 149).
  • Kampa starts next week and will be sharing an office Dr. Mullin (Room 127). 
  • Pharmacy (MTM) will start seeing patients in Dawn and Michelle’s previous office once the desk is complete (Room 152). 
  • Gaalswyk will share an office with Dr. Allen (Room 184 )

 Other moves happening in September:

  • Alicen Himmelspach (Referral Specialist) will move to the previous scheduling area (area 132)
  • Mary Tramm (Patient Financial Representative) will move to her office (room 121) and Care Coordination will take Mary’s office (Room 119), allowing Care Coordination to meet with patients and family right in their office space as the meeting room space is limited on many occasions.