More SHOW YOUR BIB photos!

The SHOW YOUR BIB challenge is still going strong!  We have 16 employees that have submitted bib or t-shirt photos from a race and there are 45 tokens in the drawing so far.

Don’t forget to send a photo of your bib or t-shirt from ANY race/event you have been a part of this year and have a chance at winning one of these prizes: $150 gift certificate to Lee’s Pro Shop or PD’s Embroidery.  Two winners will be drawn.  Every time you submit a photo, your name goes in the drawing and you receive a High Five token (your name goes in TWICE if you participate in events in Kanabec or Pine County). Challenge runs through November.

Check out these recent BIB photos submitted by employees:

Jody and Family Kim T and Jake 4th on 4th Midnight run Ryan-Half Marathon Spring Chickens Taylor Ruud Trisha-Starlet