Tamara (Tami) Gorman

Meet Tamara (Tami) Gorman
Position: LPN
Start Date: 7/11/16
Birthday: 4/24
Background/Educations: Surgical Technologist training at Anoka Technical College
Licensed Practical Nursing program, starting at Minneapolis Technical College and finishing up at Pine Technical College
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am really excited to meet new people and build new friendships, along with starting a new adventure and learning new things. I'm excited about working in Urgent Care and loving the new hours I will have.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Lord of the Rings 2. Footloose 3. Dirty Dancing
What is your favorite color? Purple
Do you have a nickname? Tami
What are your hobbies?: Reading books, scrapbooking, card making, baking/cooking, thrift store shopping, gardening, along with keeping up on my flower beds