Christine “Tina” Larsen

Meet Christine "Tina" Larsen
Position: Pharmacy Intern/Resident
Start Date: 5/23/16
Birthday: 5/31
Background/Educations: I received my bachelor of science in genetics, cell biology and development from the University of MN in 2012. I received my PharmD from the University of MN College of Pharmacy in May 2016.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to start my professional pharmacy career under the guidance of FirstLight's exceptional pharmacy staff.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Mega Mind 2. How to Train your Dragon 3. Star Wars The Force Awakens
What is your favorite color? None
Do you have a nickname? Tina
What are your hobbies?: Tea - I love finding and trying new kinds and enjoying it with others. Video games - Nintendo is my favorite. Now that I am done with school, I would like to start painting again.