January 2011 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2011

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Deb Wright, Sue Belford, Dawn Plested, Katie Kerr, Jo DeFeyter, Chris Kimbler, Diane Bankers, Bob Woods, Randy Ulseth, Fran Kacon, Pat Runquist, Ellen Ryan, Brent Thompson, Karen Renaud, Jill Sawyer, Hanah Hogan

Absent: Bill Kellogg, Gordy Forbort

Telehealth Presentation/Anna Hogen, CNRN at Neurologic Emergency Treatment Network

  • A telehealth stroke program presentation from Abbott was presented by Anna Hogen. She demonstrated how a stroke neurologist would have the capability of evaluating patients in our ED remotely. This program will go live the end of February.

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Election of hospital board officers – Chairman – Robert Jensen, Vice-Chair – Paul Kent and Secretary – Larry Brettingen.
  • Pine City Clinic update – on schedule to be completed by Knutson the end of January. Environmental Services will start cleaning next week. Once cleaning is complete, then equipment and furniture can be moved in.
  • Clinic update – a clinic operations committee has been formed with individuals from the hospital and Allina. Currently meeting monthly but may change to quarterly.
  • Round table discussion on Trustee Conference attended by board members.
  • Annual SISU board retreat update
  • CEO Evaluation
  • December financials were reviewed.
  • Dr. Matt Schultz will be starting in May 2011.

Palliative Care/Diane Bankers

  • A palliative care program is being developed will be implemented in February. Individuals from Public Health, the Villa, Diane Bankers and Jen Peterson along with Kurt Farchmin have been working on the program. The objective is to accept patients that are dealing with a chronic illness and work with them to reduce clinic and/or ED visits and increase the quality of life.

Name Change/Dawn Plested

  • Sign orders have been finalized
  • Employee email addresses will be the same as before with the extension fl-hs.org
  • Form letters are to be sent out to your department’s vendors, regulatory and licensing agencies notifying them of the name change.

Press Ganey Successes/Kim Carlson

  • Kim presented a power point reviewing the various departments’ improvements/successes from the brain storming sessions.
  • There were 18 brain storming sessions and 37 action plans developed.
  • Another survey will be given near the end of 2011 including the clinics.

Just Culture Education/Chris Kimbler/Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented an introduction on the Just Culture Education. Each month department managers will be asked to review two chapters and be ready for discussion at the following meeting.
  • January education included the Just Culture framework consisting of four components: Learning Culture, Safe Culture, Open and Fair Culture and Manage Behavioral choices.
  • Managers will be reviewing situations pertaining to his/her department and going over algorithms in the meetings.


  • Sixty-five employees from the clinic are in the process of completing internal applications and meeting one on one with HR.
  • Reminder to managers that have not paid the $20, you can get it to Kris B.
  • We are participating in a program with the U of M – Duluth Medical School and we will have a med student here for a week at a time for 6 times over an 18 month period.
  • Employee Fund is looking for three new members.
  • Men’s Health Event, Thursday, 1/27
  • New student starting in Lab through May
  • Coding positions are posted
  • Business cards should be given to Materials Management with changes as soon as possible.
  • Urology is here two days a week now.
  • LPN Orientation starts February 1st – they will be here through May.
  • Submit successes to Randy before Holiday banquet.